Tuesday, May 20, 2008

$1288 Jeans from Mastermind Japan - Are you kidding me?

Jeans for over $1000? For real? What planet are we on?

Let's hope that if you have that kind of dough to shell out for a pair of dungerees that you at least made a handful of charitable donations prior to your purchase.

Don't get me wrong, I do understand that it's not always appropriate to slap on a pair of Wranglers, but dang! So what if they have (and I quote)...

"High-rise waistline - Hidden buttons - Multipockets - Straight leg cut - Slashed detailing - Studs - Embroidered logo"...

... they also have a freaking hole in 'em and what I can only assume is overspray from a subway tagging gone horribly wrong.


You can get 5 Pair of expensive - but almost worth it - Diesel jeans for that price (or enough sale priced Gap jeans to keep you from having to do laundry for well over a month)

All I can say, is if you have these, or want these the money would be much better spent on therapy.

Check 'em out at Shop For Clothes ... you be the judge $1000 Mastermind Japan Jeans

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